Our Mission

We believe the Testing Teens For Drugs website is the most comprehensive site available for parents today.  If the information isn’t here, we have a link or  phone number to help get it.

Our mission is to help parents gain every advantage possible for keeping their children safe from drug and alcohol abuse through education and drug testing.

Knowing the facts can help you and your family make better decisions:

  1. The younger people are when they start using addictive substances, the greater the likelihood they’ll become addicted. People who use addictive substances before age 18 are six times more likely to develop a substance use disorder than those who didn’t start using until they were 21 or older. (Source: CASA- The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse)
  2. Alcohol is the most preferred addictive substance among high school students, followed by cigarettes, marijuana and controlled prescription drugs, such as narcotic painkillers.  (Source: CASA)
  3. Marijuana: Among 12th-graders, 36.4 percent reported past year use. (Source: Monitoring the Future 2011)

We take the mystery out of how to talk with your teen and what to do if there is a problem.